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Nolan Martinez
Nolan Martinez

Why You Should Use NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles 1.0 - 2.0 Templates 1.0 - 2.0 .rar for Your Next Web Project

NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles 1.0 - 2.0 Templates 1.0 - 2.0 .rar: What is it and how to use it?

If you are looking for a way to create professional-looking websites without coding, you might have heard of NetObjects Fusion 9.0, a web design software that allows you to do just that.

NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles 1.0 - 2.0 Templates 1.0 - 2. .rar

But what if you want to make your website even more attractive and unique? What if you want to save time and effort by using ready-made design elements and layouts?

That's where NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles 1.0 - 2.0 Templates 1.0 - 2.0 .rar comes in handy. This is a file name that contains a compressed archive of website design templates and styles for NetObjects Fusion 9.0. By using these SiteStyles and Templates, you can create stunning websites with minimal effort and maximum customization.

In this article, we will explain what NetObjects Fusion 9.0 is, what SiteStyles and Templates are, and what the .rar file contains. We will also show you how to use the SiteSyles and Templates from the .rar file to create your own website in NetObjects Fusion 9.0. Finally, we will provide some sources and links where you can find more SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0.

What is NetObjects Fusion 9.0?

NetObjects Fusion 9.0 is a web design software that allows you to create professional-looking websites without coding. It is designed for both beginners and experts, as it offers a user-friendly interface and powerful features.

Some of the features and benefits of NetObjects Fusion 9.0 are:

  • It lets you create websites using drag-and-drop functionality, WYSIWYG editing, and pre-built components.

  • It supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP.NET, and other web technologies.

  • It allows you to add interactivity, multimedia, e-commerce, forms, blogs, and other functionalities to your website.

  • It helps you optimize your website for search engines, accessibility, and performance.

  • It enables you to publish your website to any web host or server with one click.

NetObjects Fusion 9.0 is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 operating systems. You can download a free trial version from the official website or buy the full version for $129.95.

What are SiteStyles and Templates?


SiteStyles are sets of design elements that define the look and feel of your website in NetObjects Fusion 9.0. They include colors, fonts, backgrounds, borders, buttons, menus, navigation bars, banners, footers, and other graphical elements.

SiteStyles work like themes or skins that you can apply to your entire website or individual pages. They help you create consistent and attractive websites that match your brand identity and purpose.

You can choose from hundreds of SiteStyles that come with NetObjects Fusion 9.0 or create your own custom SiteStyles using the SiteStyle Editor. You can also import SiteStyles from external sources, such as the .rar file we are discussing in this article.


Templates are ready-made layouts that define the structure and content of your website pages in NetObjects Fusion 9.0. They include placeholders for text, images, videos, audio, animations, forms, maps, and other content types.

Templates work like blueprints that you can use to create your website pages faster and easier. They help you avoid starting from scratch and ensure that your pages are well-organized and functional.

You can choose from hundreds of Templates that come with NetObjects Fusion 9.0 or create your own custom Templates using the Template Editor. You can also import Templates from external sources, such as the .rar file we are discussing in this article.

What is the .rar file?

The .rar file is a compressed archive file that contains multiple files or folders in a single file. It is used to reduce the size of files or folders and make them easier to store or transfer.

The .rar file extension stands for Roshal Archive Compressed file. It is named after Eugene Roshal, the Russian software engineer who created the RAR compression algorithm.

The .rar file we are discussing in this article contains two folders: SiteSyles 1.0 - 2.0 and Templates 1.0 - 2.0. Each folder contains several subfolders with different categories of SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0.

The SiteSyles folder contains over 200 SiteStyles in categories such as Business, Education, Entertainment, Fashion, Health, Nature, Sports, Technology, Travel, etc.

The Templates folder contains over 200 Templates in categories such as Art & Design, Blogging & Social Media, Business & Services, E-commerce, Education & Training, Events & Entertainment, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle & Hobbies, News & Magazines, Nonprofit & Charity, Personal & Portfolio, Photography & Video, Real Estate & Construction, Sports & Recreation, Technology & Software, Travel & Tourism, etc.

To open the .rar file, you need a software that can extract compressed files, such as WinRAR, 7-Zip, or PeaZip. You can download these software for free from their official websites.

Once you have installed the software, you can right-click on the .rar file and choose the option to extract it to a folder of your choice. You will then see the two folders with the SiteStyles and Templates inside.

How to use the SiteStyles and Templates from the .rar file?

How to import SiteStyles into NetObjects Fusion 9.0

To import SiteStyles from the .rar file into NetObjects Fusion 9.0, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open NetObjects Fusion 9.0 and create a new site or open an existing site.

  • Go to the Site View tab and click on the SiteStyle button on the toolbar.

  • In the SiteStyle dialog box, click on the Import button.

  • Browse to the folder where you extracted the .rar file and select the SiteStyle folder.

  • Select the subfolder that contains the category of SiteStyles you want to import and click OK.

  • You will see a list of SiteStyles in that category. Select the ones you want to import and click OK.

  • The imported SiteStyles will appear in the SiteStyle dialog box under the Custom tab. You can rename them or delete them if you want.

How to apply SiteStyles to your website

To apply a SiteStyle to your website in NetObjects Fusion 9.0, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Site View tab and click on the SiteStyle button on the toolbar.

  • In the SiteStyle dialog box, select the Custom tab and choose the SiteStyle you want to apply.

  • If you want to apply the SiteStyle to your entire website, click on the Apply button. If you want to apply it to a specific page or pages, select them in the Site View and then click on the Apply button.

  • You will see a preview of how your website or pages will look with the new SiteStyle. You can make changes to the colors, fonts, backgrounds, borders, buttons, menus, navigation bars, banners, footers, and other graphical elements using the options in the SiteStyle dialog box.

  • When you are satisfied with the result, click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

How to import Templates into NetObjects Fusion 9.0

To import Templates from the .rar file into NetObjects Fusion 9.0, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open NetObjects Fusion 9.0 and create a new site or open an existing site.

  • Go to the Page View tab and click on the Template button on the toolbar.

  • In the Template dialog box, click on the Import button.

  • Browse to the folder where you extracted the .rar file and select the Template folder.

  • Select the subfolder that contains the category of Templates you want to import and click OK.

  • You will see a list of Templates in that category. Select the ones you want to import and click OK.

  • The imported Templates will appear in the Template dialog box under the Custom tab. You can rename them or delete them if you want.

How to use Templates to create your website

To use a Template to create your website in NetObjects Fusion 9.0, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Page View tab and click on the Template button on the toolbar.

  • In the Template dialog box, select the Custom tab and choose the Template you want to use.

  • If you want to use the Template for a new page, click on the New Page button. If you want to use it for an existing page, select it in the Page View and then click on the Apply button.

  • You will see a preview of how your page will look with the new Template. You can replace the placeholders with your own content using the options in the Page View.

  • You can also customize the layout, style, and functionality of your page using the tools and menus in NetObjects Fusion 9.0.

  • When you are satisfied with the result, click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

Where to find more SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0?

If you want to find more SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0, you have several options:

  • You can visit the official website of NetObjects Fusion 9.0 and browse their online store, where they offer various SiteStyles and Templates packages for different categories and purposes. You can buy them for a reasonable price or download some of them for free.

  • You can visit the official forum of NetObjects Fusion 9.0 and join their community of web designers and developers. You can ask for help, share your ideas, and download SiteStyles and Templates created by other users or by NetObjects staff.

  • You can visit some third-party websites that offer SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0. Some examples are Template Monster, WebAssist, and CoolHomepages. However, be careful when downloading files from unknown sources, as they might contain viruses or malware.


In this article, we have explained what NetObjects Fusion 9.0 is, what SiteStyles and Templates are, and what the .rar file contains. We have also shown you how to use the SiteSyles and Templates from the .rar file to create your own website in NetObjects Fusion 9.0. Finally, we have provided some sources and links where you can find more SiteStyles and Templates for NetObjects Fusion 9.0.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you want to create professional-looking websites without coding, NetObjects Fusion 9.0 is a great choice for you. By using SiteStyles and Templates, you can make your website even more attractive and unique, while saving time and effort.

Here are some tips and recommendations for using NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles and Templates:

  • Experiment with different SiteStyles and Templates until you find the ones that suit your needs and preferences.

  • Customize your SiteStyles and Templates to match your brand identity and purpose.

  • Keep your website simple, clear, and consistent.

  • Update your website regularly with fresh and relevant content.

  • Test your website on different browsers, devices, and screen sizes.


Here are some answers to some common questions about NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles and Templates:

Q: How can I backup or restore my SiteStyles and Templates in NetObjects Fusion 9.0?

  • A: You can backup or restore your SiteStyles and Templates by using the Export and Import buttons in the SiteStyle and Template dialog boxes. You can also copy the SiteStyles and Templates folders from the NetObjects Fusion 9.0 installation directory to another location.

Q: How can I share my SiteStyles and Templates with other users?

  • A: You can share your SiteStyles and Templates by exporting them to a .rar file and sending it to other users via email, cloud storage, or other methods. You can also upload them to the official forum of NetObjects Fusion 9.0 or other websites that allow sharing of SiteStyles and Templates.

Q: How can I edit or delete the default SiteStyles and Templates that come with NetObjects Fusion 9.0?

  • A: You can edit or delete the default SiteStyles and Templates by using the Edit and Delete buttons in the SiteStyle and Template dialog boxes. However, be careful when doing so, as you might lose some functionality or compatibility with your website.

Q: How can I create my own SiteStyles and Templates in NetObjects Fusion 9.0?

  • A: You can create your own SiteStyles and Templates by using the SiteStyle Editor and Template Editor tools in NetObjects Fusion 9.0. You can access these tools by clicking on the New button in the SiteStyle and Template dialog boxes.

Q: How can I get help or support for using NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles and Templates?

  • A: You can get help or support for using NetObjects Fusion 9.0 SiteSyles and Templates by visiting the official website of NetObjects Fusion 9.0, where you can find tutorials, videos, manuals, FAQs, and contact information. You can also visit the official forum of NetObjects Fusion 9.0, where you can ask questions, get answers, and interact with other users and staff.



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